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UX Maturity Quiz



We'll ask questions about how your organization approaches UX. Based on your answers, we'll give you an estimate of your organization's UX maturity. This assessment is based on the Nielsen Norman Group UX Maturity Model.

There are six stages in the UX maturity model: 1: Absent, 2: Limited, 3: Emergent, 4: Structured, 5: Integrated, and 6: User-Driven.There are six stages in the UX maturity model: 1: Absent, 2: Limited, 3: Emergent, 4: Structured, 5: Integrated, and 6: User-Driven.

The quiz takes most people less than 10 minutes to complete.

Please follow these tips to ensure a more accurate result:

  • If you work in a large organization and approaches to UX vary between departments, you might focus on your department instead of the entire organization.
  • If you work for an agency or consultancy and your work varies by client, you might think about your most recent client, or the one you spend the majority of your time on.
  • Depending on your role, you may not know the answers for all of the questions (for example, you may not know what is being done in other groups or by other roles). When in doubt, pick the option that best matches your perception.
  • Be aware that it's difficult to assess maturity based on the perceptions of a single employee. You might consider asking multiple coworkers to take the quiz as well, and compare the results.